Skechers Womens Shape Ups XW-Roll Model Wedge Sandal

Skechers Womens Shape Ups XW-Roll Model Wedge Sandal Skechers is an award-winning global leader in the lifestyle footwear industry that designs, develops, and markets lifestyle footwear that appeals to trend-savvy men, women and children. The company's success stems from it's high quality, diversified, ...

Skechers Womens Shape Ups XW-Roll Model Wedge Sandal

List Price: USD $100.00
Price is accurate as of the date/time indicated. Prices and product availability are subject to change. Any price displayed on the Amazon website at the time of purchase will govern the sale of this product.

Features :
Product Description
Skechers is an award-winning global leader in the lifestyle footwear industry that designs, develops, and markets lifestyle footwear that appeals to trend-savvy men, women and children. The company's success stems from it's high quality, diversified, and affordable product line that meets consumers' various lifestyle needs. Since it's inception in 1992, the Skechers diverse product offering has grown from utility style boots to include seven Skechers brands and five uniquely branded fashion lines for men and women.

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